LA BIG VIC | Musica

La Big Vic is violinist Emilie Friedlander, analog synth player Peter Pearson, and Japanese synth and guitar player, Toshio Masuda. They all come from different musical backgrounds, each offering their piece to the puzzle that is La Big Vic. Pearson studied classic music. Friedlander lived in France for two years and co-founded the music blog Visitation Rights, and Masuda said he came to New York as an R&B singer in the mode of the Backstreet Boys. Yes, they’re an eclectic mix. The site Shaking Through (a Weathervane and WXPN collaboration) recently posted a free MP3, “Musica”, and an accompanying video showing how the song was made. The version of the song was recorded with the help of producer Brian McTear, and is officially Vol. 2, Episode 3 of the Shaking Through 2011 series. The song is built on a spacey synth rhythm. Then they added bass, vocals and came up with the cool idea for running Friedlander’s violin through a space echo. The result of it all is a interstellar vibe, stretching into a resounding soundscape that seems suited as a soundtrack to video of pictures of spiral galaxies. Each instrumental note sounds like a flare-up, loosing its gravity, and careening off into varying directions. Their album, “Actually”, comes out May 10th via Underwater Peoples. — David D. Robbins Jr.

La Big Vic “Musica”

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