A HEAVEN OF HELL | How to Destroy Angels

FREE EP: Trent Reznor collaborates with his wife Mariqueen Maandig (of West Indian Girl) on a project called How to Destroy Angels. Better yet, they’ve released a free self-titled EP today that can be downloaded at their website here for the mere cost of an e-mail. The album opener, “The Space in Between”, sounds a bit like Massive Attack’s dark, plodding industrial grooves, with delicate female vocals clashing against the noise of machinery. “The Believers” is a sexy standout, and one of the better tracks Reznor has made in years. Perhaps the best track, “Parasite”, is built on heavy reverb bass, buzzsaw guitar, electronic bleeps and Maandig’s breathy intonations, “Here, so I can feel you … / Parasite / Parasite.” The EP is a 320 kbps download, DRM-free — but you can also get the six-track record in lossless format with a video of “The Space in Between” in 1080p for $2.  — David D. Robbins Jr. (Artwork a pastiche of web photos/clip art)

How to Destroy Angels “Parasite”

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