NEW BLOG | Rustle of Language

TUMBLE FOR YA: Well, I’d often fought about how to combine my love of language, books, and film with Their Bated Breath. But I’ve finally come to the conclusion that in this case, two blogs are better than one. So, I started a second blog. It will be much more carefree in terms of the writing. Less careful. Effusive. Dizzying. Literally unplanned. I will talk music and post some videos on it too, but for the most part, it will be about things less related to music. I’ll post some of the best sentences I’ve read. It will contain links to great articles on culture, writing, philosophy, etc. I’ll keep you up with great sites I run into along the way. I’ll write a few essays, articles, and random musings. Think of it as a literary/cultural grab-bag. Okay, it might get a bit heady sometimes. But the hope is, after you’re done listening to some tunes here, you’ll perhaps get curious enough to take a look at “Rustle of Language”. Hopefully you enjoy it. — David D. Robbins Jr.

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4 thoughts on “NEW BLOG | Rustle of Language

    • @Francois: Thanks so much! Yeah — you know, I actually own Bad Lieutenant (the Cage version) but have yet to unwrap it. I’ve been waiting for some reason. Thanks for the advice. I’ll probably watch it over the weekend.

  1. sounds cool! I used to have a tumblr and plan to start one for myself (free-form rambling) and Ebony + Irony (RSS-ed goodness) sometime soon.

    • @Ebony: I enjoy your site very much. Definitely a cooler set-up than mine, that’s for sure. Free-form rambling. Yes, that’s exactly what I have in mind too for the tumblr blog! Keep me up to date on when you get yours up and running.

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