BIG TREE | This Fall

The opening single, “This Fall”, off Big Tree’s sophomore release, “This New Year”, is a mix of gracefully romantic lyrics, mellifluous melodies, peaceful harmonies and changes of pace. The quintet that make up this band, originally found their roots in jazz classrooms, and you can hear it in the polish and acumen of their sound. Kaila McIntyre-Bader’s voice is crystalline, repeating the first two verses like a sleepy incantation of love, “Last night I dreamt of you again / And you were sleeping by my side”, before hand-claps and a chorus kick in. The band’s newest 11-song self-release, which feels like a youthful ode to life and its seasonal change, will be available on October 4th. Follow the band at their official website, on twitter or at tumblr. You won’t regret it. — David D. Robbins Jr.
Big Tree “The Fall”

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