Saudi Arabia Deal | A Farewell to Arms

Quick thoughts … So, what is the Saudi-arms deal about? Well, this is one aspect of what former President Dwight Eisenhower warned about in his famed “military establishment” speech on Jan. 17, 1961: “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic,…

Frost, Trump & Constitution On Fire

David D. Robbins Jr. The swearing in of the forty-fifth president of the United States will be without poetry in more ways than one. Befitting the inauguration of Donald Trump, it is apropos this negation of verse at today’s ceremony comes only a day after The Hill newspaper published a story about a myriad of…

At a Trump Rally: Angry, Weird America

By David D. Robbins Jr. Just my quick thoughts on attending a Trump rally in Des Moines, Iowa … Inside the rally Let me give you my thoughts unfiltered, without self-editing, all from memory and off-the-cuff –which seems apropos after attending a Donald Trump rally. Where to start? I could tell you that I’m glad…