JUST BURSTING: Seabright is the project of San Jose-based musician Justin Morales. His newest record, “Shimmer”, mixes heavy synths with sparse falsetto vocals and spoken lyrics. His music pops and sparkles with small, short bursts of guitar. His songs are airy compositions, made with analog and digital technologies. They seems to grow organically, spreading slowly and tentatively like the first rays of morning sun. A song like the blip-barrage, “Sideline”, are meant to be basked in, with it’s playful melodies and skipping rhythms. All fourteen tracks are elegant evaporations, each under 4:17 long. Some consist of simply programmed percussion with dreamy soundscapes of found sounds, aquatic atmospheres and guitar tremolo. It’s a marriage of electronica and chillwave. Visit Seabright’s Bandcamp page to hear the entire album. — David D. Robbins Jr.

Seabright “Sideline”

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