MOON BOUNCE | Darn Your Best Frock

Moon Bounce is Philadelphia’s warped electronic maestro Corey Regensburg, and the cleverly-titled “Darn Your Best Frock” is his foray into a world of sonics, dub, and twisted experimentation. What’s nice about this record is it isn’t the kind of synthetic electronic album that tries to be chilled out and overly smooth. Yeah, a song like “First of All and in Conclusion” finds a pretty vocal sample and blends it into the cool repetition of beats and synth, but it’s also hyper-kinetic, on the verge of falling apart. Moon Bounce walks that fine line between creation and disintegration that’s a crucial part to creativity. Although, the best two tracks, “Sleeper’s Quarrel” and “Jealousy March”, lean toward the more melodic side of his very unique imagination. The latter makes a perfect rhythm of blips, warps, and distorted noises — one of which sounds like intensified drop of water leaking from a faucet. You can follow Moon Bounce at facebook and twitter, or download his record at bandcamp. There’s also a new video (not sure if it’s official) for the song “Jealousy March”. — David D. Robbins Jr. 
Moon Bounce “Jealousy March”

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