Violetness. As in the constant state of color. It’s the moniker of Vanessa Upson, a Peruvian-American musician who will be releasing a debut, “Last Night In My Dreams, I Was Talking To You”, via Portugal’s LebensStrasse Records on March 16. The first single, “The Coal”, is a beautiful blend of electronics, tribal percussion, and intricate textures rising and falling in all the right spots. Think of the inventiveness and eclecticism of Bjork’s “Biophilia” (TBB review) and Juana Molina. MTVHive mentioned that Upson was a classical-trained pianist before delving into the style of music that will be on the new record. Upson said she’d composed “The Coal” over three years ago in her apartment. It’s a fantastic track. Follow Violetness at facebook and twitter. –– David D. Robbins Jr.
Violetness “The Coal”

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