STORIES TO TELL | Brazos “Phosphorescent Blues”

BrazosAlbumTraveling with Brazos: I love bands with skills for lyrical narrative ― where songs are journeys. I never know where Brazos is taking me. Somehow they leave me in a state of anticipation on each track. This Austin, Texas band mixes soft aspects of bossa nova, dance rhythms, and jazz with introspective lyrics to produce one of the more soothing musical surprises of the year for me. They even adapted a song from a poem written by the famed Adrienne Rich called “The Observer”. (No joke.) Gorgeous sounding band. Their new album is called “Phosphorescent Blues.” Let me say this now ― run out to buy this one. Heck, buy a second copy for your best friend too.

Brazos “The Observer” (Live at WOXY) (MP3)

Brazos “Dayglo” (MP3)

  • DON’T MISS THIS: Click here to visit (The Futurist) where you can download Brazos’ 2009 SXSW live set

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