THE DEPTHS | Blue Water White Death

A NEW CREATURE: Back in July, Xiu Xiu’s eclectic frontman Jamie Stewart and Shearwater’s Jonathan Meiburg announced they had joined together to create a band called Blue Water White Death. They have a self-titled debut scheduled to be released on October 12, 2010 via Graveface Records. The band name comes from a 1971 documentary chronicling a group of explorers on a quest to find Great White sharks in Australia’s Dangerous Reef. Well, now we have a single for you to hear, entitled “Song for the Greater Jihad”. With these two artists, you won’t be surprised to know the track begins with a bit of unsettling dissonance, the jarring pluck of a string vibrating out of tune. But there’s also a gentle guitar strum behind it, and a light airy buzz. The song suggests the open air, and a dark hint of danger. Just wait until you get to the buzzsaw, sounding as if it’s grinding out a tree trunk. It’s a strange but beautifully ethereal track. The rest of the tracklist: 1. This Is the Scrunchyface of My Dreams; 2. Song for the Greater Jihad; 3. Grunt Tube; 4. Nerd Future; 5. The End of Sex; 6. Death for Christmas; 7. Gall; 8. Rendering the Juggalos. Note: Artwork is from soon-to-be released album. — David D. Robbins Jr.

Blue Water White Death “Song For the Greater Jihad”

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