TASHAKI MIYAKI | Somethin’ Is Better Than Nothin’

California’s Tashaki Miyaki are nearly ready to release their debut 4-song self-titled EP at bandcamp, beginning with “Somethin’ Is Better Than Nothin'” — which also has a video to go with it. The EP will be available October 31st, and will include four bonus tracks, featuring a cover of Buddy Holly’s “Heartbreak”. You might hear a little Jesus and Mary Chain in the sound of “Somethin’ Is Better Than Nothin'”, with its pretty reverbed vocals and heavy, melodic, fuzzed-out guitar. You can download the single via The Sounds of Sweet Nothing at soundcloud, and later catch the full album at tumblr. — David D. Robbins Jr.
Tashaki Miyaki “Somethin’ Is Better Than Nothin'”

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