George Maple X Slime | Began to Say

Australian singer George Maple is streaming a new track, “Began To Say”, and it’s beautiful. No doubt it will be one of the sexier, soulful songs you’ll hear this year, with its light bass percussion, dreamy guitar lines and that wistful, cool, smokey sensuality and suave R&B sophistication I’m used to hearing in the best cuts by artists like Jessie Ware or Meshell Ndegeocello on a track like “Come Smoke My Herb”. What I mean is “Began To Say” is a kind of chilled, lush, minimal track that exists somewhere between the half-light of love and the full-on inundation of intoxication. As the song asks, is it all or nothing?: “… I’m waiting for you / There’s a reason I don’t come around / I taste the hesitation / Always slightly (wrong?) / Still I’m so nervous / Maybe I should play along? … / Living in a daydream.” The now London-based singer has collaborated with other artists in the past, like Flume and Kwes — but this time around she has London producer Slime pitching in on this particular diamond. Maple is working on a debut LP, and an EP scheduled for release in March. You can follow George Maple at facebook and on tumblr. Note: The above lyrics are unofficial. — David D. Robbins Jr.

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