GREAT COMPILATION: BEKO is an online label out of France, run by Charlee Bekoo, that puts out a new single every week. But this time around, the label is hosting a 21-song compilation. Orchid Tapes is putting together a limited (50 copies) cassette version of the release. The compilation features a Their Bated Breath favorite, Blackbird Blackbird (who I should really give credit to for originally posting about this record), and a number of other musicians like Foxes In Fiction, Liquid Days, Kiss Kiss Fantastic, and Porcelain Raft. The tracks are generally low-key, centered around pretty mood-drenched effects, looping, samples and ambient vocals. It’s a great listen. There are so many good tracks. But my favorite might just be the Wizard Oz cut, “I Can’t Remember”. It’s a melding of pop synth, screeching effects, reverb, and tremolo guitar dancing around the melancholic phrases, “I may never see you again / I can’t remember you.” A fantastic track. Hear more from Wizard Oz at his MySpacePage. — David D. Robbins Jr.

Wizard Oz “I Can’t Remember”

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