Cemeteries | Summer Smoke (Video)

Cemeteries is the moniker Kyle J. Reigle plays under. He has a new video for a lulling dream-pop track called “Summer Smoke”, which will be featured on his upcoming October 23 release, “The Wilderness”, out via Lefse Records. I’ve only heard this one song so far, but it makes an indelible impression. The sound is…

Letting Up Despite Great Faults | Bulletproof Girl

Letting Up Despite Great Faults will release a new album, “Untogether”, on October 12th. They’ve kicked things off with a new single, “Bulletproof Girl”, that recalls New Order. It’s a highly danceable, synth-driven, piece of romantic dream pop, with some of the catchiest keyboards you’ll hear, and a percussive beat that seems right out of…

The Weeknd | Rolling Stone (Video)

The Weeknd (aka Abel Tesfaye) released a video a couple of days ago, that I’ve been enjoying. It’s for his song, “Rolling Stone”, off the record, “Thursday”. The Weeknd re-releases his trilogy via Universal on November 26, re-mastered and with three new tracks. I’ve been a huge fan of his music, from back when he…

Ela Orleans | She Who Could BIND You

I’m continually amazed by the standard of music created by Ela Orleans. I really can’t think of a song she’s written that I don’t thoroughly enjoy. Now she and Clan Destine Records are releasing a split tape with fellow artist Curt Crackrach called “80 Minutes of Funk”, where both artists produce 40 minutes of music…

Guilty Ghosts | Trespasser EP

Guilty Ghosts (aka Brooklyn’s Tristan O’Donnell) is back with a new release, “Trespasser EP”, the even darker follow-up to the beautifully crafted “Veils”. You can purchase a copy at the Guilty Ghosts bandcamp page. The new EP features seven instrumental drone tracks, two of which work as interludes. It’s a pleasure that’s over as soon…

Years and Years | The Whale

London quintet Years and Years released their debut single (“I Wish I Knew”), which I wrote about here a few weeks ago, but there’s also a b-side track called “The Whale”. It’s a much more downtempo track that the band posted on soundcloud for you to stream. There’s an obvious touch of Jeff Buckley in…

Buke and Gase | Function Falls EP

Brooklyn-based Buke and Gase are Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez, who both play hybrid instruments (ukele and guitar/bass), that give their songs a unique clashing of musical textures. It’s not just the rough and chaotic sound of these specialized instruments that gives the duo’s songs an odd character, but rather the internal struggle of the…